Thursday, February 27, 2020

Legal Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Legal Issue - Essay Example In turn, a disability is (A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; or (B) a record of such impairment; or (C) being regarded as having such an impairment.[5] The EEOC defines "a mental impairment" as "any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, Bi-Polar Disorder II, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities,"[6] for purposes of the ADA.[7] Thus, the question becomes whether this impairment substantially limits a major life activity.[8] Interacting with others is a major life activity under the ADA Interacting with others is indisputably an activity of central importance to daily life, and the EEOC has recognized it as a major life activity in its compliance manual.[9] Additionally, interacting with others is considered a major life activity under the Rehabilitation Act, and such recognition under the ADA would serve the legislative purpose of rectifying stereotypes about the mentally disabled.[10] Neither the Supreme Court nor the Second Circuit have addressed the issue of whether interacting with others is a major life activity.[11] The only circuit to have squarely addressed the issue has adopted it as a major life activity,[12] and no circuit has held that interacting with others is not a major life activity.[13] An Appellate Court has de novo review of a lower court's conclusion that the ability to interact with o thers is a major life activity.[14] In Toyota, the Supreme Court explained that "the term major life activity as used in the ADA, refers to those activities that are of central importance to daily life."[15] Because major life activity is not defined in the ADA, it should be construed according to its ordinary and natural meaning.[16] The plain meaning of the word "major" denotes an activity that is important and significant,[17] as well as basic. It is an "activity that the average person in the general population can perform with little or no difficulty."[18] Interact is defined by the dictionary to mean to "act upon one another."[19] Interacting with others is an important and significant function and "easily falls within the definition of 'major life activity.'"[20] - quoted properly referenced It is necessary for

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Unconventional Depiction of Women in Japanese Films Essay

The Unconventional Depiction of Women in Japanese Films - Essay Example Women, as portrayed in Japanese films are meek and a follower of men. They are the guardians of the house and children and the helper of men, they are the ones that fall in the background but very much important nonetheless. Men are driven by pride; they would do things that are out of their league for the sake of containing and maintaining their pride, their ego, their dignity. Men are depicted as great thinkers and they invent something new every day and by nature they are competitive and easily driven by a desire for power and glory, whether it is for a higher rank or for the love of someone, even love becomes a game, even life or freedom will be put at stake just to prove that they are better than someone else, they like to gamble and they rarely think of the outcome before they do crazy stunts and acts recklessly. They like the thrills and the element of danger and adventure, a male figure will grow in his appearance and expand his understanding but in spirit, he remains a boy who likes challenges and unbelievable stunts and plot to make it better than it was before. They do not easily accept defeat and they do not easily give in and in fact, most of the time, not at all. Although women are devious in ways a man will never understand, they are the keepers of the house and will be as gentle as an angel even when angered or wronged but they unleash a fury greater than hell when forced to it. Most women think of not just of herself but the whole package, of the people around her and of what an action may cause to the generalized public.... Men are depicted as great thinkers and they invent something new everyday and by nature they are competitive and easily driven for a desire of power and glory, whether it is for a higher rank or for the love of someone, even love becomes a game, even life or freedom will be put at stake just to prove that they are better than someone else, they like to gamble and they rarely think of the outcome before they do crazy stunts and acts recklessly. They like the thrills and the element of danger and adventure, a male figure will grow in his appearance and expand his understanding but in spirit he remains a boy who likes challenges and unbelievable stunts and plot to make it better than it was before. They do not easily accept defeat and they do not easily give in and in fact, most of the time, not at all. Although women are devious in ways a man will never understand, they are the keepers of the house and will be as gentle as an angel even when angered or wronged but the unleash a fury greater than hell when forced to it. Most women think of not just of herself but the whole package, of the people around her and of what an action ma cause to the generalized public but women are just as human as a man and therefore are not an exception to crime and they also has faults and they also commit devious crimes but this population is at least just 20% of the total, unlike with men who are more exposed to the brutal reality of having power in the society. Women are more likely to be the victim of a crime than a man, women are not born weak but they are being dominated over by men and since women believes in love more than men does. Since women are the