Sunday, December 29, 2019

Pathological Psychology Abnormal Psychology - 1204 Words

There is no clear cut definition for behavior that is labeled abnormal. It is this way due to the fact that society in its entirety has to agree on normative behavior. Because society will never have the exact same views, opinions, beliefs, or culture, an unmistakable definition will not occur. A simplified definition of this behavior is unusual conduct that goes against what is classified as ordinary in society. The study of this sort of behavior is abnormal psychology. Abnormal psychology focuses on atypical sequences of conduct, feelings, and ideas. Since disorders are any form of interruption in the methodical functioning of an individual, it can be viewed upon as abnormal. A branched area of abnormal psychology includes personality disorders, which indicates a mental disturbance. These particular types of disorders lead to a fixed form of judgement, operation, and action. In order to serve the population of those who deal with borderline personality disorder internally and exter nally, as well as handling the violence and aggression in intimate relationships, one must understand borderline personality disorder, the reasoning for the violence and aggression, the issues that could occur in an intimate relationship, and how to treat the perpetrator and offender appropriately. Every disorder had something trigger it into existence. Parents who withdrew themselves emotionally from their child and handled the child irregularly, most likely lead to abuse, neglect, andShow MoreRelatedPathological Psychology : Abnormal Behavior948 Words   |  4 Pages According to the modern perspective of abnormal psychology, abnormal behavior exists when an individual is behaving dangerously and/or showing patterns of behavior that are dysfunctional. Nevertheless, determining insanity among sanity has proven to be much more complicated than it sounds. An individual whose behavior strays from societal standards is not necessarily abnormally deviant or insane. John Hu simply exhibits behaviors that are different from that of typical European/French social normsRead MorePerception Of Abnormal Psychology And Psychopathology774 Words   |  4 Pagesof abnormal psychology and psychopathology and the implicit assumptions of both terms. Considering abnormal psychology is an alternative definition of psychopathology, it is assumed they are different in the eyes of society. Psychopathology is a term focused on the psyche (mind, soul) and a disorder (dysfunction, diseased, unhealthy and illness). It is also based from deviations from statistical and social norms along with maladaptive behavior, distress and impairment. Although abnormal psychologyRead MoreHistorical Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology1163 Words   |  5 PagesHistorical Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology PSY 410 January 30, 2012 Historical Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology For many years, various forms of madness have been noted in every culture. Multitudes of theories, as well as some myths, have been developed to explain such conditions. Society’s opinion on what was considered abnormal was based on such phenomenon as paranormal forces, the anger of the gods, the influence of the moon, unstable personality, hereditaryRead MoreDna And Therapy Of Abnormal Psychology1291 Words   |  6 Pages EORY AND THERAPY OF ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY The biological model is most important in function of the human system. In psychotherapy, if we have deficits with our biology, then we fix the deficient, inhibit the unwanted response or excite the wanted response. As William DeMeyer, MD relates, â€Å"all human behavior consists of secreting substances or changing the length of muscle fibers. Whatever the behavior, it originates from nerve impulses traveling through neural circuits. Therefore, all behaviorsRead More Abnormal Psychology2516 Words   |  11 PagesThe field of abnormal psychology engages with the obscure line between normal and abnormal behaviour. This blur is as a result of the dissonance that occurs when the two terms are defined for example, when cultural perspectives are taken into consideration-where behaviour (for example sake, experiencing hallucinations) considered deviant in one population is normalcy in another. In attempt to make the field comprehensive a middle ground was determined by drawing on the common elements or patternsRead More Personality Disorders Essay example3944 Words   |  16 Pagesdecide whether the trait exists to an extent that can be considered pathological. DSM IV criteria are based on a categorical model in which a disorder is diagnosed if â€Å"enough of† certain traits are present as opposed to â€Å"not enough† traits which indicate a lack of the disorder. The five-factor model (FFM) is one of several personality theories that are used to explain the variance in normal and abnormal personality. The â€Å"Big Five† (cited in Klein, 1993; cited in BarlowRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Essay4334 Words   |  18 Pagesattention, and some controversy, since it was formally recognised in 1980 by the American Psychiatric Association. This essay will discuss the history of this relatively new diagnosis and its place within the DSM-IV-TR, whilst three perspectives of pathological reaction to trauma, namely, socio-cultural, psychological and biological factors will also be compared. In conclusion this essay will discuss how the three perspectives contrast and contribute to our understanding of PTSD. PTSD is a common anxietyRead MorePost-Traumatic Stress Disorder Research Paper6725 Words   |  27 Pageslarge amount of people who truly do experience this unfortunate disorder after experiencing a traumatic event. As Gersons and Carlier (1992) state, â€Å"PTSD in today’s society may be explained as an initially adequate reaction to danger, which becomes pathological if it does not disappear after the danger is gone.† Thus, because this disorder has become increasingly popular for both legitimate and illegitimate reasons, it is extremely important to not only understand the history of the disorder. but alsoRead MoreAggressive Behavior Essay1189 Words   |  5 Pagesunjust disadvantage or frustration is perceived, leading to hostility (Brown, 1986). Psychopathy is a mental disorder that is characterized by egocentricism, impulsivity, irresponsibility, shallow emotions, and lack of empathy, guilt, or remorse. Pathological lying, manipulativeness, and persistent violation of social norms and expectations are also typical of psychopathic behavior (Hare, 1996). This selfishness, manipulativeness, and continual social deviance are often displayed by aggressive behaviorRead MoreIs Homosexuality A Mental Disorder?1500 Words   |  6 PagesHomosexuality has been one of the most controversial subjects around the world for thousands of years. Being a homosexual has been seen as taboo, morally wrong, and just abnormal. Scientists have questioned the mental health status of those who proclaim themselves as being homosexual, and have even gone as far to say that homosexuality is a mental disorder. Until 1974, being homosexual was deemed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as a mental illness, and classified

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana - 2690 Words

Marijuana Angela Stackhouse 05/07/09 Marijuana The uses of marijuana amongst teenagers has increased over the years making it the most accessible drug in America as well as one the most beneficial due to its medical uses. According to the article of Marijuana Use Among Youths Is a Serious Problem, written by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) (2004), stated that the uses of marijuana has impacted the youth in many ways due to the unknown factors of marijuana such as admittance to treatment facilities, and being admitted into emergency rooms. The CASA took the con side of the argument dealing with the issues of marijuana use with teenagers. The second article Marijuana Should Be†¦show more content†¦Propaganda techniques used by the authors in the articles where not ones that stand out but they where used to swing the reader. First technique used in the CASA article that had no backing was that marijuana use amongst teenagers has hospitalized many of them. This technique was a scare tactic because the article never showed a statistic to back the claim but those words would stay with the reader. Lynn used a technique to relate the reader to situation; for example, Lynn stated that many politicians used marijuana and if they where caught it would have ruined career opportunities. The tactic makes the reader relate to the article as well as feel comfortable with the use of marijuana because high ranking officials have used marijuana. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) is probably one of the most credible sources of information on the issue of substance abuse. For this article the survey conducted by the CASA had 1,987 teenagers participate to gain insight on marijuana use amongst the youth. CASA’s results where calculated in 2003 and the report was produce and copyright in 2004 making the information pertinent. Lynn Zimmer is a professor of sociology at Queens College in New York and coauthor of a book titled Marijuana Myths. Lynn’s resume speaks for itself making her knowledgably on the topic of marijuana use. This article could be look at as notShow MoreRelatedEssay on Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana1880 Words   |  8 PagesPros and Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is a very common street and recreational drug that comes from the marijuana plant. The plant that produces marijuana, as is well known, is the hemp plant cannabis sativa. The pharmacologically active ingredient in marijuana is tetra-hydro-cannabinol. Marijuana is used to heighten perception, affect mood and relax. It is estimated that about thirty percent of adults in the U.S. use marijuana. Many people think marijuana is harmless. It is not.Read MoreEssay on Legalizing Marijuana: Pros and Cons1599 Words   |  7 PagesIn 2007, $42 billion was spent on the marijuana prohibition. That is more money than the war on drugs spent on all types of drugs three years before when $40 billion was spent all together. Why is our government focusing on a drug that can be called merely harmless to those who use it? Why is this drug getting more money spent on it than drugs that are highly addictive and life threatening? Marijuana is not as dangerous as people may want it to seem. Marijuana is a product of the Cannabis staviaRead MoreEssay on Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana557 Words   |  3 Pageslegalization of marijuana is a very debatable subject, some people think it is bad and should be illegal, and some people think it is good in some ways if used properly. It should be legal because it has few negative effects, it serves other purposes than getting people stoned, and it is better than other drugs. Many advocates say â€Å" Marijuana is a common drug used by many people.†(Sandra) A lot of people think marijuana has numerous amounts of negative effects on the body. Marijuana helps the bodyRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1030 Words   |  5 PagesMarijuana should not be legalized There are many reasons why marijuana should not be legalized. There are also reasons why marijuana should be legalized. However, the cons for legalizing marijuana outweigh the pros, which lead to why marijuana should not be legalized. The topic of marijuana is extremely important in our society and one worth investigating. It was a blast finding information that I didn’t know about this topic. In this essay, I will break down facts, statistics, and data aboutRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?870 Words   |  4 Pages Legalize Marijuana In my opinion I think marijuana should be legalized across the country because it does benefit a lot of people with autoimmune problems, anything that weakens the immune system, cancer, M.S., and more. Doctor’s believe that the prohibition of marijuana causes the public more harm than good. Those are some of the pros. Some of the cons of legalizing marijuana is it has an addictive nature, it can alter a user s perception, is popularly known as a gateway drug, does damageRead MoreMarijuana: For Better or For Worse?1740 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana is a harmful drug and should not be legalized. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug used in the United States. It is a plant that grows from the ground however, it contains many harmful toxins. There are many pros and cons for the legalization of marijuana although there are more cons than there are pros; one being that children are the ones who abuse marijuana the most. Surprisingly, against other beliefs, marijuan a smoking actually does impair the user’s ability to drive aRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1224 Words   |  5 PagesLegalizing Marijuana Many different web pages and read over the information that they provided and this is what is found. The debit for this topic is all over the place some say we should some say we should not legalize marijuana. The three main topics that will going to go more into depth with are the medical benefits, monetary benefits and the renewable benefits. But first, let a bit about marijuana, so other names for it is weed, herb, pot, grass, bud, ganja, Mary Jane to name a few. MarijuanaRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1463 Words   |  6 PagesLegalizing marijuana is the most argumentative issue in United States. It has been discussed for many years. There are many debatable questions that need the final answers such as: Should Marijuana be legalize and taxed? Should medicinal marijuana in all states? Should the issue be addressed at the national or at the state level? Everything has its own pros and cons, so does legalizing marijuana. It can reduce the pain in medical purposes, prevent consumers from consuming marijuana illegally, andRead MoreEssay about Should Marijuana be Legalized?968 Words   |  4 PagesShould marijuana be legalized for recreational or medical use? This is a debate that has been happening for quite some time and this is not just a debate that is happening among people. There are many that have taken sides including medical personal and government officials. Currently in the United States there are two states in which recreational use of marijuana is legal; Colorado and Washington. There are three states currently that have pending legislation to legalize recreational use; CaliforniaRead MoreLegalizing Marijuana For Recreational Use1362 Words   |  6 Pageslegalize marijuana for recreational use. Similar to the age limitation set for buying and consuming alcohol and smoking of tobacco products, Colorado has set the age limit for recreational use for adults who are at least twenty-one years of age and over to use an ounce of this drug. A ccording to the website, the drug marijuana is defined as a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers of Cannabis sativa—the hemp plant. After two years of legalizing marijuana, Colorado

Friday, December 13, 2019

Candide and Enlightenment Free Essays

Voltaire’s Candide both supported and challenged traditional enlightenment viewpoints through the use of fictional ‘non-western’ perspectives. Candide mockingly contradicts the typical Enlightenment belief that man is naturally good and can be master over his own destiny (optimism). Candide faces many hardships that are caused by the cruelty of man (such as the war between the Bulgars and Abares, Cunegonde being raped, etc) and events that are beyond his control (the earthquake in Lisbon). We will write a custom essay sample on Candide and Enlightenment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Voltaire did not believe that a perfect God (or any God) has to exist; he mocked the idea that the world must be completely good, and he makes fun of this idea throughout Candide. He also makes fun of the philosophers of the time, because the philosophers in the novel talk a lot, do nothing, and solve no problems at all. Candide also makes a mockery of the aristocracy’s notion of superiority by birth. Voltaire also addresses the corruption of the religious figures and the church thus â€Å"destroying and challenging the â€Å"Sacred Circle†. Voltaire’s Candide is the story of one man’s trials and sufferings through life. The main character is Candide. Candide is portrayed as a wanderer. He grew up in the Castle of the Baron of Westphalia, who was his mother’s brother and was taught by, Dr. Pangloss, the greatest philosopher of the whole world. Pangloss taught Candide that everything that happens is for the best. Candide is exiled from the castle because of his love for the Baron’s daughter, Cunegonde. He then sets out to different places in the hope of finding her and achieving total happiness. Candide thought that everything happened for the best because the greatest philosopher taught him that, but everyone around him did not accept that theory. The optimistic Pangloss and Candide, suffer and witness a wide variety of horrors: beating, rapes, robberies, unjust executions, disease,and an earthquake, These things do not serve any apparent greater good, but be a sign of the cruelty and madness of humanity and the lack of sympathy of the natural world. Pangloss manages to find justification for the terrible things in the world, but his arguments are sometimes stupid, for example, when the Anabaptist is about to drown he stops Candide from saving him because he claims that the Bay of Lisbon had been formed specifically for the drowning of the Anabaptist. Other characters, such as the old woman, Martin, and Cacambo, have all reached more pessimistic conclusions about humanity and the world because of past experiences. One problem with Pangloss’ optimism was that it was not based on the real world, but on abstract arguments of philosophy. In the story of Candide, philosophy repeatedly proves to be useless and even destructive. It prevents characters from making realistic judgment of the world around them and from taking positive action to change hostile situations. Candide lies under debris after the Lisbon earthquake and Pangloss ignores his requests for oil and wine and instead struggles to prove the causes of the earthquake. In another scenario, Pangloss is telling Candide of how he contracting venereal disease from Paquette, and how it came from one of Christopher Columbus’ men. He tells Candide that venereal disease was necessary because now Europeans were able to enjoy new world delicacies, like chocolate. The character Candide was the nephew of the Baron of Thunder-ten-tronckh, whose sister, was Candide’s mother. The baron’s sister, refused to marry Candide’s father because he only had seventy-one quarterings (noble lineages) in his coat of arms, while her own coat of arms had seventy-two (Candide, 1). This exaggeration makes the aristocracy’s concern over the subtleties of birth look ridiculous. Candide explores the hypocrisy that was rampant in the Church and the cruelty of the clergy using a variety of satirical and ironic situations such as, the Lisbon earthquake that kills tens of thousands of people and damages three fourth of Lisbon; still the Portuguese Inquisition decides to perform an auto-da-fe’ to appease God and prevent another disaster. This serves no purpose because another earthquake strikes in the middle of the hanging of Pangloss and beating of Candide. Church officials in Candide are portrayed as being among the most sinful of all citizens; having mistresses, engaging in homosexual affairs, and operating as jewel thieves. The most ridiculous example of hypocrisy in the Church is the fact that a Pope has a daughter despite his vows of celibacy. Other examples are the Portuguese Inquisitor, who takes Cunegonde for a mistress, who hangs Pangloss and executes his fellow citizens over philosophical differences, and orders Candide to beaten for, â€Å"listening with an air of approval† (Candide, 13) to the opinions of Pangloss; and a Franciscan friar who is a jewel thief, despite the vow of poverty taken by members of the Franciscan order. Finally, Voltaire introduces a Jesuit colonel with marked homosexual tendenci es. The Enlightenment belief, in which a perfect society should be controlled by reforming existing institutions, is made to appear ridiculous, while erhaps all that Voltaire wanted to do was to present the history of his century with the worst abominations. It was probably Voltaire’s ability to challenge all authority that was his greatest contribution to Enlightenment values. He questioned his own parenthood and his morals to express his ideas to the world of Enlightenment through the novel Candide. In particular, the novel makes fun of those who think that human beings can endlessly improve themselves and their environment. Voltaire expresses his beliefs on optimism, philosophical speculation, and religion through the main character. Candide, The main character of the novel, is set adrift in a hostile world and unsuccessfully tries to hold on to his optimistic belief that this â€Å"is the best of all possible worlds† as his tutor, Pangloss, keeps insisting. He travels throughout Europe, South America, and the Middle East, and on the way he encounters many terrible natural disasters. Candide is a good-hearted but hopelessly naive. How to cite Candide and Enlightenment, Essay examples